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Collaboration Policy and Honor Code

By participating in this class, you agree to abide by the Stanford Honor Code.

For homework, you are free (and encouraged) to have high-level discussions about the problems with others in the class, but your writeup should be solely written by you. It is NOT OK to look at someone else’s written solutions.

  • The following is OK: You and your friend work through the problems together over a couple of days. You bounce ideas off each other, and eventually come up with a pretty good solution idea. You sit down at your computer and type up that idea in your own words, perhaps lightly consulting notes you took while working with your friend.

  • The following is NOT OK: You and your friend work through the problems together over a couple of days. You bounce ideas off each other, and eventually come up with a pretty good solution idea. Your friend types up their solutions first; since you helped come up with the answers, you use your friend’s write-up as a starting point for your own.

For the final report, every group needs to submit just one writeup. It is of course OK (and necessary) to discuss within your own group however much you want. If for your report you want to collaborate with people outside the class, discuss this with the instructor first.

Submission Deadlines

The deadlines for submitting homework and the final report are generous, and as a result, late work will NOT be accepted; you should think of the deadlines in this class as already factoring in late days that some other classes provide. Exceptions to this policy based on extenuating circumstances will be granted VERY RARELY, and in almost all cases they have to be discussed with the instructor before the relevant deadline.

OAE Accomodations

Students who may need academic accommodations based on the impact of a disability should initiate the request with the Office of Accessible Education (OAE) and notify us as soon as possible.